This is a set of poems - all mine in origin - of love and devotion. Many symbols are used and some verses may be vague. This is because these are images from a number of dreams I have had. These three: i treasure!
The birth of love and devotion... comes with an angel's song... and a white rosebud placed upon thine lips... a passionate kiss from an angel...
This passion that comes with love... a pair of souls... bonded... taking hold of love and the fire that is born within... what holds them together... the passion of a rose...
What comes of love when the heart begins to die... when the heart of the rose is witnessed... when the rose begins to die... and wither... yet, the passion lives... as does the love...
This is the entire set of love poems in the legacy. These, except for The Demolished Man, are all images compiled from my dreams in order to understand my dreams as much as I can by understanding the poems.
Love is all there is... find it... take it... don't let go!
The birth of love and devotion... comes with an angel's song... and a white rosebud placed upon thine lips... a passionate kiss from an angel...
This passion that comes with love... a pair of souls... bonded... taking hold of love and the fire that is born within... what holds them together... the passion of a rose...
What comes of love when the heart begins to die... when the heart of the rose is witnessed... when the rose begins to die... and wither... yet, the passion lives... as does the love...
When love falls and time roams by on its own love arrow... sweet life taken over by night... and night taken in reverence towards fate and what comes with it... may the Fates bless this charred soul...
The black peacock... souless in its lifeless existence... the life of one... a blank slate... as the sun burns through its black feathers into its flesh... and into the heart... shall there ever be shelter from this pain?... this love?...
Down comes the eternal bliss of the heart as the white rosebud... once beautiful... becomes the black rose... and the black ice comes... but melts with the passion of the heart of an angel...
When Mother Earth begins... when the crow wakens... when the sun dies... and the moon breathes... there shall be life... and beauty... beauty of birth... beauty of its origination... may the love gods take mine in... for the mother is as beautiful as a goddess...