The Demolished Heart: The temple inside crumbles... where once was a heart... now fallen from grace... the angel still loves

Estrangement from love,
Creating despair - omnipotent -
Having once heard the song of the dove,
Now calling through the snake, within the rodent.
The lobe and passion of my heart,
Burning through ice like fire;
This heart finding no power to breathe - falling apart -
But the fire: never seeming to tire.
One love: a mistake; for the other: a pain;
The love that once existed: now in limbo.
One feeling annoyance; the other the strain,
Keeping the heart of a rosebud: love and it's symbol.
The stars are my destiny,
Given independence, I the demolished man;
The prophets laughing splendidly,
I smite; and Hades and Heaven, from my life, I ban.
Within the flow of life, love moving like a river,
Unstopable even by fate, only growing bigger and bigger;
Within the palace of ice, my heart beginning to quiver,
Leaving my love outside to burn, and not to wither.

This poem is one of my few non-dream-originated poems. This is the only one I have in my possession (the others were tragically lost). It is a poem I decided to write (and I wrote it with much emotion; each word, verse, syllable is what my heart speaks) to supplement my Trilogy of Love, to create the Legacy of Love. Much more than it seems, this poem is one that I treasure almost as much as the the Trilogy of Love series and "Black Peacock;" although it speaks as much truth as any other mentioned above.

Blessed be the souls who are enlightened by the pains the heart of the demolished man has fealt, for they shall learn the true value of love - and eventually the true meaning of love.

A destroyed heart may still bleed passion