The image of wildfire spreading over the sea,
A voice of thunder to lance his enemy,
As he feels the energy and the blood that pumps in me,
As the thickest black is engulfed by the light
Of a wandering bird of fire within my eyes.
Lumbering through the icy abyss of a spread snowfield,
I burn my way through, towards the palace I filled
With emotion and images of great bounty and breath of fire
That is the princess of their desires where fallacy controls mystery
And a heart of fire licks at my feet, yet I do not retreat.
Saving the princess from my own need
I cry, and cry in vain I do, fire destroying the cold,
And laugh and cry for a new day, start tomorrow anew,
As I look forward for a wreath of fire and gold
And mold myself a new princess to play a game of thrones, but stay true and blue.
This poem is another poem I have written from the images from a dream. I wrote it in a class in high school, in my senior year, the day after I had the dream. It is of love and death... and of the bird of fire coming back to life... the heart of the angel...
In the Legacy of Love... love came into birth... the passion, that fire, rose up into existence... alas, that heart of the rose has died... and the rose, the angel itself, has begun to wither, demolished... and the death of the angel comes, as night enters into his heart; death... and as the phoenix dies, and burns... it is reborn... so does the heart of the angel...