Friendship is an eternity of bliss, when the angels sing and the dragons fly! Take life in and enjoy what friends you have; for there is nothing better than a bunch of friends like these!
These are my friends...
Loved and cherished by me...
I am here for all of them...
Come... witness those I truely love!
In no particular order... most of it, atleast...
Forgive me if I missed any names...
Report this problem to me immediately...
It shall be taken care of as soon as possible...
This list is not finished at this time...
Take what you wish, take your own banner for your own home page if you have one. These banners, though, were customized for a black background, so if you have a different color background, and you want to use your banner, inform me. If you are not satisfied with you banner, i.e. colors just arn't you, forgive me - I had to make many banners and didn't want to make any ones that look too similar and the program I used to make these banners is rather limited *s*...