Friends for an eternity is a dream forever!

Friendship is an eternity of bliss, when the angels sing and the dragons fly! Take life in and enjoy what friends you have; for there is nothing better than a bunch of friends like these!

These are my friends...

Loved and cherished by me...

I am here for all of them...

Come... witness those I truely love!

In no particular order... most of it, atleast...

Phantom Love:  One of my best friends and my girlfriend, may she be loved by all but STAY AWAY SHE'S MINE hehehehehhehe
RivareDragon: My caring, loving wonderful ex-fiancee, whom I will always be in love with and treasure atleast as one of my best of friends.  I love you Chris!

AngelicDream: My caring and loving sister and treasure and one of my best friends.  Love you sweetheart! *kiss... hugs*

AngelsLove: My caring and loving sister.  Love ya! *hugs* I love you, sweetie!

SweetDreams:  My caring and loving sweet sister, loved and cherished *kiss*

Tori37:  Is there anyone as sweet and innocent as my sweet Jen?... this hot and sexy number has got the personality and looks to kill!!!

Tori69:  Tori37's twin sister and one of the sexiest ladies *grin* I've ever known *winkz*

Goddess: My sweet, fun-loving sweetie sis.  Me loves ya, hon *kiss* Mojo: My fun-loving and caring friend.  Come back to the Globe!  Love ya! *kiss* Chesh: My absolutely crazy fun-buddy.  Love ya!  Love ya! {{{Chesh}}} *kisses and more kisses* Nenya: My wacky, Raiden-clad sis and good friend.  Love ya! *kiss*

Deadpool:  This is one of my coolest bro's, lucky ass turd! *lmao*

Lou: My sweet, caring babe.  SHE is awesome.  Love ya! *kiss* Carn: My cool, fun-loving bro *hugs*.  Lou rocks no? *smiles* Luc: My sweet, caring, loving sweets sis.  Hows the gambling, cutes? *wink* Satanika: My manic coocoo partner and sis.  Love ya sweets!! *kiss* IBN: My cool, caring bro *high-five* Satan: No devil here, except when he starts to nuke *hehehe*.  *hugs* Morgie: Gotta love this sweet, caring sis.  She is always there when I am in need.  Me be there sis! Love ya! *kiss* Maggie: My missed and loved sis.  Please come back... Ssadie: My loved and cherished sweets from a long-time back!  Love ya sweets *kiss* Poop: My missed and cared for flush buddy.  Where are ya bro?... Sean: My loved and cared for bro who is always there for his friends.  Love ya bro! *hugs* Wooter: My loved and cared for sis and Sean's babe.  Love ya, hon! *hugs* RegalRebel: My cool, regal rebel and bro.  Take care bro.  Love ya! *hugs* RebelsChik: My sweet and caring friend; RegalRebel's babe. FIREBREAK: My sweet, loving nutty friend from Cali.  Love ya, hon! *kiss* Twilight: My sweet, caring sis and great friend *kiss*.  Love ya! Midnight: My fun-lovin' k-rad friend and sis *kiss*. Love y! Redd: My cool, k-rad friend; Midnight's man Wild: My sweet, loving, caring sis and friend.  Love ya, hon! *kiss* Jarlaxle: My absolutely-crazy cyber-paps and good friend.  Love ya paps, but where's my allowance? *hugs* R A I N N: My sweet, caring wacky sis with a good poetic voice.  Love ya, hon! *kiss* Synap: My absolutely k-rad bro with the synaptic overflow Jess: My innocent-my-arse, fun-lovin' sis and cutes.  Love ya, sweets! *kiss* Spawnette: My k-rad jelly-pool friend.  Love ya sweets! *kiss* ... but turn off that annoying force-field! *wink* *hehehe* the way... where are ya??? KYOTA: My cool, caring, and sweets loved sis *kiss* LadyCaroline: My sweet and caring gothic nut sis.  *kiss* Love ya, babe! IamHot: Trust me... hot... *hehe* Love ya sweets! *kiss**kiss* DarkLady: My sweet, caring sweet friend.  Love ya, hon! *kiss* DragonRuby:  Smooth goth bro; cool friend and bud.  Careful bro, these boots hurt *biggazzzmilez* hehe *hugs* Blood: My sweet, caring cute sis.  Love ya, hon.  Never forget that! *hugs and kiss* BlackRat: My kind, caring and painful friend who loves to chew on my ears and ankles.  Love ya, hon! *hehe* *kiss* Claudia: My sweet and caring friend who loves to act as Claudia from 'Interview With A Vampire' with me, Louise.  Love ya hon *kiss*...but where are ya?? Cryptic:  My cool bro and good friend.  Take care, bro! *hugs* DES: My waky and fun-loving Aussi friend.  Love ya, hon! *kiss**kiss* cute too! FIEKA: My fun and crazy sis.  Love ya, hon!! *kiss* Malk: My cool, caring bro.  Love ya, Malk! *hugs* PARADOX: My cool, caring friend and sis *hugs* TUFFY: The tuffest tuff in The Tap.  My good friend and cutes *kiss* love ya! Robynne: My good and caring friend.  Love ya, sweetie! *hugs* helkitty: Her name says it all: hel! hehe.  Love ya, hon!! *kiss and hugs* Merlin: My cool friend who gave me my Star Sword.  Thanx man, love it!! *hugs* Fighter: My cool, fighting bro.  Share the power, man! VERS: My cool, nice bro.  Take care, bro! *hugs*

Forgive me if I missed any names...

Report this problem to me immediately...

It shall be taken care of as soon as possible...

This list is not finished at this time...

Take what you wish, take your own banner for your own home page if you have one. These banners, though, were customized for a black background, so if you have a different color background, and you want to use your banner, inform me. If you are not satisfied with you banner, i.e. colors just arn't you, forgive me - I had to make many banners and didn't want to make any ones that look too similar and the program I used to make these banners is rather limited *s*...

The angel loves!